Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Preposterous Proposal

So like everybody everywhere who watched the Bachelor last night, I am stunned at Jake's choice. Vienna? I mean really? Of all of the ladies, I personally found her the least attractive; she doesn't know how to dress to suit her frame; she's inmature, spoiled and inexperienced in both life and love, but yet Jake LOVES her. Barf.
It's a mystery to many viewers how this could be, but I think it's a three fold combination of things: 1. She was the underdog. No one liked her so I think he felt sorry for her; 2. they bungee jumped together. When you go through something like that - where you're in mortal terror - I think it binds you to that person. I would bet if he'd made that jump with anyone else he wouldn't be with Vienna now; and 3. lust. That one doesn't need further explaination. Double Barf.
Not that I think Jake would have had eternal bliss with Tenley. The chemistry simply wasn't there (probably because he was always thinking about Vienna). As a wife, Tenley seems like the perfect catch, but I think she's still got some healing to do. Girl just needs to go out there and have some fun. I hope she finds the right guy for her.
Now, my other beef with this show is that anyone can fall in love in paradise. Listening to Vienna say "I want to marry Jake because I want to feel like this forever", news flash sweetheart: THIS ISN'T WHAT YOUR MARRIED LIFE IS GOING TO BE LIKE! I would like to see the show incorporate some Amazing Race or Survivor elements. You learn a whole lot more about your compatibility with a person when you're stressed to the max, physically uncomfortable and have no one to depend on but eachother. You either pull together, of tear eachother apart.
Good idea right? Someone forward this to the forces that be on the Bachelor...

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