Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spring into the Present

So after spending a day Spring cleaning my ass off (any major cleaning you do in the Spring is Spring cleaning in my books), once again I find myself, glass of wine nearby, tired but not sleepy, and wondering, just what it is exactly that I an meant to do with my life? Maybe I'm doing it already? Maybe I missed the boat on my One Great Opportunity, or maybe my ship is yet to come in. Maybe that ship has sailed. Maybe you feel that you're in the same boat as me? Wow, there sure are a lot of boat metaphors...I wonder why that is...I digress, blame the wine.

I have been stressing myself out a lot lately with this pondering of what I will do next; what does my future hold; and you know what? It's exhausting. So I think it's time to take a step back into the present and forget about the future for now. That's scary thinking for me though. I'm a planner. I think I mentioned that Here's to the present. It's a pretty good place to be. Cheers! Wait, let me get a refill....CHEERS!

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